Most recently, our company became part of the UAM (Ukrainian Association of Furniture Manufacturers). UAM is an all-Ukrainian association of entrepreneurs and enterprises operating in the furniture market, whose activities are aimed at the development of the Association's members and the furniture industry as a whole.
The community was founded on September 22, 2001 and currently has about 331 members. The organization's mission is to create a better furniture environment in Ukraine through the unification and growth of each UAM member.
Why did we decide to become members of UAM?
Our team is constantly developing and looking for new opportunities. Membership in UAM is a great opportunity for us to directly interact with furniture makers, learn firsthand about their problems and pain points, and build communication aimed at solving these issues.
We want to help the Ukrainian furniture business grow, increase its competitiveness not only at the Ukrainian but also at the international level through the implementation of modern solutions, such as ERP. By the way, we were already members of the union before, but on behalf of our other brand — iT.Artel.

A short Q&A from Alexei Bardakov
We asked our founder and director, Oleksiy Bardakov, a few questions that may be of interest to both the UAM community and readers who are far from furniture making but follow our news:
– Why is it important to be part of a professional association in general?

First, it's a circle of like-minded people. Each of us has a social circle that consists of many people with different interests, but it often happens that this circle doesn't include people who are engaged in activities similar to yours.
This leads to the fact that you simply have no one to discuss the work issues you encounter in the process of your professional activities with. That is why I joined the association, because I am sure that I will be able to find worthy like-minded people among the members of the UAM.
Another advantage is that you get a chance to see what the business community you belong to is like. You can also hear answers to questions you are interested in from industry experts, get useful insights and a lot of other interesting information. In short, it's a big community that is extremely useful to be a part of.
– What are the advantages of UAM?
This is an all-Ukrainian association that unites many domestic manufacturers engaged in a common cause - they make the Ukrainian furniture business better and popularize it on the Western market.
In addition, the union also includes representatives of companies from other industries, such as: marketing, promotion, automation, etc., who qualitatively strengthen furniture manufacturers by offering them their services. In this way, they help the business grow.
This is a mutually beneficial partnership, where one company provides its services, and the other — becomes better when gets themIn the end, everyone wins and that's really cool.
– What values have you already gained by becoming part of the association?
Thanks to membership in the association, we have the opportunity to present our services to the audience of UAM member companies. This is exactly the value that I can already emphasize at this stage of membership.
We strive to solve real, not fictional, cases and pain points of furniture makers, and the most effective way is to learn about these problems directly from them. We want to know what troubles they face now furniture manufacturers, because this way we will be able to apply our experience and expertise with maximum efficiency and offer specific solutions to certain problems.
– Why, it would seem, does your company not engage in furniture production, but decided to become part of this community?
We have a clear vision of how to help Ukrainian furniture manufacturers become better and strengthen their positions in the market in such difficult and unstable times. We want to help domestic businesses grow - this is the goal of our joining the association.
– How exactly can your IT company be useful to UAM and its members?
We are engaged in the automation and optimization of business processes, in particular with the help of Belgian Odoo ERP systemsWe learn how to switch from sanctioned software such as 1C, BAS to the latest European-style software.
We have implemented this product for many of our customers and continue to implement it in our company. We see a great future for this system in Ukraine, so we invite you to join the circle of those who have already implemented this system in their company!
Special offer for UAM members
Discount -10% for pre-project survey*, valid until 05/31/2024 using promo code “TDP10”.

*This is a service for collecting and analyzing information about your business processes (BPs). The result is a report containing:
- Overview of the company's BP that is planned to be automated.
- List of functional differences between the typical functionality of the selected system and the described BPs.
- A list of system modifications and their cost to meet your company's needs.
- Estimate the project duration and cost.
- Project calendar and schedule.
A pre-project survey will help you understand what to expect during the project and upon completion of implementation..
Don't waste time. – Order a pre-project survey now and take your first step towards automation with Odoo!