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Cardanval Service Automation using Odoo ERP – ToDo Case Study

About the customer

Cardanval Service LLC — is a team of professionals that performs work of any complexity on cardan shafts for cars, agricultural machinery, special machinery and industrial equipment. Over the entire period of their work, they have manufactured about 3,000 cardan shafts, and the number of repaired ones reaches 40,000 pieces.

The company has 5 branches: 2 in Kyiv, one each in Lviv, Drohobych, and Krakow, which is very convenient for customers, because you can contact any of the nearest service centers and receive equally high-quality service.

Kardanval Service is about honesty, quality of service, and adherence to agreed deadlines, which is why we consider them one of the best in their niche!

How did the customer find out about us?

The founder and CEO of ToDo, Alexei Bardakov, met the founder and CEO of Kardanval Service at one of the business events, after which they decided to cooperate, which soon turned into an Odoo implementation project for Kardanval Service.

How did Cardanval Service choose Odoo and why?

The customer was considering a system to which he could switch from Bitrix24, because on the basis of this system it was not possible to combine warehouses, accounting, production and other important aspects of the company's activities. In addition, due to the beginning of Russian military aggression against Ukraine, this software has become irrelevant.

In the process of finding a solution, representatives of Cardanval Service considered many different CRM systems, but Odoo attracted them with its multifunctionality and integration capabilities. In essence, it was an ERP that solved many issues. The initiator of automation was the founder and CEO of the company. 

What tasks did Cardanval Service plan to solve with the help of automation?

The customer came to us with a clear request to automate a whole range of business processes based on a single system that would not require any radical changes. These business processes included: internal movement between warehouses, budgeting, management accounting, customer interaction, production, etc.

What business processes did we automate for the customer thanks to Odoo?

The implementation of the system is still ongoing, as it is a rather long process that requires time and conscientious work. At this time, we have already automated the process of moving, implementing (the work of receptionists) and recording customers (which previously took place using a group in Viber), organizing the personnel hierarchy in the company.

What specific features have proven to be most useful for Cardanval Service?

In the words of the customer: “This is definitely analytics! Odoo has a perfectly implemented dashboard/analytical report functionality, which is perhaps the most important factor for making the right and timely management decisions, without which it is simply impossible to build a profitable business.”

What specific results did the customer receive?

At this stage, it is difficult to fully assess the results, as the project is still in the implementation process. However, the customer has already noted the positive effects of optimizing the processes described above.

Did you encounter any internal issues during automation?

In the words of the customer: “Yes, unfortunately, we encountered sabotage from the production department employees. It was not easy for them to accept the fact that now they need to make “extra movements” to use the system, because before this process took literally a few clicks in the work chat in Viber. However, this approach is not effective and should be replaced with something else.

Thanks to the right approach of Oles (project manager from the ToDo team), we managed to justify to employees the need to switch to the new system and do it as loyally and clearly as possible, without any conflicts.As for our office team, they reacted positively to the new system from the very beginning and expressed their willingness to retrain to work with the new software.

Evaluation of the ToDo team from Kardanval Service

In the words of the customer: “The current team, led by Oles Adamenko, diligently performs its work, offering effective solutions and timely preventing possible errors.

The work is being done according to the specifications and even exceeds our expectations. In addition, the integrators are fully immersed in the project and it feels good. We have already recommended ToDo as automation experts to two of our partners and are happy to do so again if the opportunity arises!”

Results of cooperation

On the basis ERP Odoo We automated a number of processes for the customer: the process of moving, implementation (the work of receptionists) and customer registration (which previously took place using a group in Viber), organization of the personnel hierarchy in the company. We also connected and configured the following modules: “CRM”, “Planning”, “Employees”.

We are confident that after the implementation project is completed, we will share with you more significant results, with all the details and figures, but more on that later...

Additionally, we would like to express our gratitude to the Kardanval Service team for their ideas, professionalism, perseverance, and active participation in the project. This gives us an understanding that we both have a common goal — to do our job as well as possible, and additionally motivates us to give it our all at 100%.

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