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PDCA Cycle (Deming Cycle): why it should be used when building business processes

Today we will look at one of the key practices in building business processesIn other words, we will talk about the Deming Cycle (PDCA).

What is the PDCA Cycle?

The PDCA cycle is an acronym for “Plan-Do-Check-Act.” It was first used in Japan in the 1950s, but has become a widely accepted method for achieving business process improvement. all over the worldIts essence lies in the sequential execution of four stages:

1. Planning (Plan) – nand at this stage are determined goal and objectives of the process, and plans and strategies are developed to achieve them. The main idea is to anticipate all possible scenarios, develop the optimal plan of action, and determine the necessary resources.

2. Execution (Do) – nand in the second stage the plan is being implemented. In this step, all planned actions and processes are implemented. It is important to perform the tasks accurately and according to the plan.

3. Check (Check) – nAfter the implementation is complete, it is important to analyze the results. By comparing them with the standards, you can determine how successful the implementation was. If the results do not meet the requirements, this indicates the need for change in progress.

4. Action (Act) – nand the final stage is where actions are taken to correct errors or deficiencies identified during the verification stage. It is also where improvements are made to the process in order to ensure increased efficiency and quality.

Why is it worth using the PDCA Cycle when building business processes?

1. Systematic Improvement – cThe PDCA cycle allows businesses to systematically improve their processes. It provides the opportunity not only to fix problems, but also to identify them before they become critical.

2. Risk Reduction – inprocess improvement at the “Verification” stage allows you to reduce risks and errors in business.

3. Promotes Innovation – cThe PDCA cycle stimulates continuous development and innovation in the organizationThis is important in order to be competitive and meet the needs of modern times.

4. Working Together – chey tool promotes teamwork and communication within the organizationAll stakeholders can participate in building and improving processes.

5. Recommendations from Asana

PDCA is not just an abstract methodology. Its effectiveness confirmed by numerous studies and practical experience many companies. One of the authoritative sources in the IT sphere is American software developer AsanaThey emphasize the importance of using PDCA cycle, to ensure growth and competitive advantage for your business.

How does Odoo promote the use of the PDCA cycle?

Odoo – is a powerful modular ERP system, which created for business process automation and quality project management. It helps implement and improve processes at each stage of the PDCA cycle.

“Projects” module in Odoo is a comprehensive project management tool. We also actively use it in our company for project activities. This module allows you to track statuses performing various tasks, including those related to your projects; allows you to formulate tasks for the project team.

Also this module allows you to record time spent to perform tasks, control deadlines, task completion frequency, create recurring tasks within the framework of one project. We recommend using the “Projects” module" to those enterprises that are mainly engaged in project activities.

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