
About the company ToDo LTD

We are a young yet experienced team of IT specialists with expertise in implementing the Belgian ERP system, Odoo, and we operate under the brand LLC "ToDo."


Our strength lies in functioning as a cohesive unit, where each team member plays a crucial role.


We always strive to bring ease and energy into our work. If you're looking for reliable and efficient IT partners, LLC "ToDo" is your choice!

Idea and Goal

  • Our brand's idea is to quickly and easily automate the client's business processes using just one platform!

  • Our brand's goal is to increase the efficiency of our clients' businesses, helping them focus on their core business tasks by optimizing existing and creating new business processe




A full-fledged ERP system that will make your business more profitable. Numerous modules and useful integrations, a modern interface supporting multiple languages – all this and even more can be found in Odoo!

Web Development

Web Development

An essential element in the growth of any business, becoming part of the strategy for customer engagement and sales.

Web Design

Web Design

You can't succeed in the digital space without a great presentation. Understanding the importance of web design is crucial, as it is the tool that best showcases your product to the end consumer.



A fast and simple way to bring any digital idea to life, saving time and money. All of this is possible with our experienced team of specialists.


There's no need to hire an in-house specialist – our team will handle all your IT tasks.

Our team will work exclusively on your project, allowing you to manage the experts, while our company resolves all issues.

Receive guaranteed results within the agreed timeframe, with pre-calculated costs, minimal risks, and maximum management involvement from the Client.

We ensure high-quality results within specified deadlines, with transparent pricing and the ability to manage the scope of work.

Забезпечення якісного результату в оптимальні терміни з прозорим ціноутворенням і можливістю управління обсягами робіт.

Швидке придбання та запуск програмного забезпечення з найнеобхіднішим функціоналом для вирішення ваших завдань.

What Problems Does Our Business Solve?

Наш бізнес розв'язує низку проблем, з якими зіштовхуються компанії у процесі управління бізнесом.

We help eliminate manual data collection and analysis, replacing it with fast and convenient management automation on a single platform.

We provide quick access to real-time business insights, enabling management decisions based on current data.

By automating business processes, we delegate tasks to software, reducing the time spent on manual execution.

High resource consumption, business slowdowns, and decreased efficiency – we are ready to offer solutions to all these problems.

Our solutions will provide you with timely control over employees, financials, and operational activities, helping to avoid complications in interdepartmental interactions.

Крім того, ми надаємо компаніям ресурси та компетенцію для пошуку та впровадження оптимальної системи, а також розвитку та підтримки нових сучасних систем в майбутньому.


  • An experienced project team that will implement, enhance, or create software tailored to your specific needs.
  • A deep understanding of the client's problems and requests.
  • Support and guidance throughout the entire collaboration.
  • We automate and optimize all business processes within the company using a single system.

Our Relationships with Clients

Transparent and open.
We communicate honestly about everything.

Partner-like, not just transactional. We are on the same side – it's a win-win relationship.

Lighthearted, with a touch of acceptable humor.

A "friendship for life."

Our Commitments to Clients

We stay with the client until the end – achieving the goals agreed upon at the start of the collaboration.

The client receives exactly what was agreed upon and paid for. No exceptions in terms of deadlines, price, or functionality.

Fulfilling guarantees, confirmed by an official guarantee letter/document.

We show care and initiative during the collaboration, providing solutions and sharing ideas.

В процесі співпраці проявляємо турботу та ініціативність. Надаємо рішення і ділимось ідеями.

Репутація компанії = репутація Олексія.

Our Competitive Differentiators and Advantages

Unlike other Odoo integrators in Ukraine, we have a proven 20-year track record of implementing large and complex ERP-based projects.

We are among the few who work with the Enterprise version of Odoo.

Having worked across many industries, we often provide our clients with a "fresh perspective" on their familiar processes.

Our portfolio includes numerous successful case studies, ranging from small retail shops and small-scale production to large international corporations.

Our in-house team of professionals, of which we are incredibly proud, is one of our greatest advantages.

We personally use and test all the products we offer to our clients, drawing from our own experience.

У нас власні команди фахівців, які закріплюються за конкретними проєктами, але достатньо велика команда дає можливість замінити при необхідності конкретних спеціалістів.

В окремих випадках наш засновник і директор, який є найдосвідченішим спеціалістом команди, долучається до проєктів та завжди тримає руку на пульсі.

За час існування нашого бізнесу компанія стала свідком і вистояла перед багатьма кризами, це нас тільки зміцнило та покращило.

We personally use and test all the products we offer to our clients, drawing from our own experience.


Legal and actual address

Ukraine, Kyiv, 7A Sobornosti avenue

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